K9 Education & Training Services

What we do

Puppy Training

K9 Education & Training will help your puppy learn how to adjust to its new life & settle into their new home. Our training principals help your puppy socialise in a safe environment. K9 Education & Training offers everything you will need to know to give your new puppy the best healthy and happy start to life.

Obedience Training

K9 Education & Training obedience dog training program is based on training your pet to be at their best behaviour. We will work with you and your pet to put a stop to any of your dog’s obedience problems with our expert dog trainers. Our commitment and consistency is the key to a sucessfully trained happy pet.

Behaviour Modification Training

K9 Education & Training are experts at dog behavior modification which makes use of obedience training techniques such as teaching a dog to sit or stay. Positive for example something is given to the dog (Example a reward is positive reinforcement given for desired behavior) For more information get in touch with the K9 Education & Training team today.

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